Diggin' on Dylan
October 16 2012 release date
contains 16 Bob Dylan songs, done as instrumentals
featuring Jon Blondell on bass and trombones, Elana James on violins
Barry "Frosty" Smith & Michael J Dohoney/ drums
Jim Milan/ Bass
Denny all guitars/ all keys, harmonica
order here
"Twang Bang" contains 13 new instrumentals, all written by Denny, except "The Hook", by Denny and Hook Herrera which features Hook on chromatic harmonica. It features Denny's regular bass and keyboard players, Mark Goldberg and Michael Thompson, and Clem Burke (Blondie) on drums. Mike also does great work on trombones on four tunes. The music is a gumbo of blues, jazz, a little rock 'n roll, and a couple of ballads. Denny plays guitar, bass guitar, piano and organ.
order Twang Bang A TONE FOR MY SINS order A Tone....